Budin de Pan is a common and delicious dessert! The recipe that my family uses is similar but not quite exactly like the recipe in this video. Since countries all over Latin America have adopted this dessert there are various spins to it. For example in Nicaragua it is a custom to add a top layer of banana and sugar, whereas in Peru all you add are juicy raisins. Other countries add rum to the Budin or custards.
It has been said that the origins of Budin come from the explorers when they had left over bread and milk they would mix it experimenting with different fruits, this dessert has been dated back all the way to the middle ages!!
I thought it would be important to include the original recipe from my family that my mom has taken the time to write out for me.
Budin De Pan Peruano By my Mom
Ingredientes (Ingredients)
- 8-10 panes (round buns)
- Un tarro de leche evaporada (one can of evaporated milk)
- Un tarro de leche condensada (one can of condensed milk)
- 1 1/2 taza de Azucar (1 1/2 cups of sugar)
- 1/2 taza de pasas (1/2 cup pf raisins)
- 1/2 taza de mantequilla
- 5 huevos (5 eggs)
- Una pizca de canela molida (a pinch of ground cinnamon)
- Una pizca de clave de olor molida ( a pinch of ground cloves)
- Esencia de Vanilla ( teaspoon of vanilla extract)
1. Remoja el pan en la leche evaporada, y luego mezcla bien con una cuchara de madera
Soak the bread in evaporated milk, then mix well with a wooden spoon
2.Cuando ya este deshecho el pan agrega el azucar, los huevos, la leche condensada, la vainilla, la mantequilla, la canela, el clavo de olor y las pasas
When the bread has come apart, part the sugar, eggs, condensed milk, vanilla, butter, cinnamon, and cloves
3.Una vez obtenida una masa homogenea viertela sober un molde acaramelado y ponla al horno por una hora a 250 grados en bano maria
Once the dough has come together pour it into a greased mold and put it in the preheated oven at 250 degrees for one hour.
4. Sacalo del horno cuando aun este suave
Take it out of the oven when it is still soft to the touch
5.Una vez que lo has sacado deja enfriar un poco, luego voltealo boca abajo que se bane con el caramelo del molde.
Let it cool, then flip it out of the dish and let the Budin bath in the caramels that were released.