Friday 8 June 2012

Mundo Quino

In the interview Quino, On the Funny Side of Freedom, you can learn a lot about Joaquín Salvador Lavado. The perception I got of him is that he is without a doubt funny but most importantly he is a man that is more than secure in his opinions and beliefs. The way he expressed himself in the interview allows you to really understand why he touches on certain topics and view his opinion on worldwide issues. His work is definitely admirable and I commend him for not letting his work be used in advertisements.  

I chose this cartoon because as he mentioned in the interview he often uses God in his cartoons although he does not believe in God. This intrigued me so I decided to chose a cartoon of his that displays God as one of his characters. In this cartoon God seems to hate his job of raffling off names to fill up spots in heaven. He reads the name off the piece of paper and right after you can see a man about to be hit by a giant piece of concrete. I think that in this cartoon the topic of death is being explored. Often times people question God, why did he/she have to die? Why did this have to happen to me? Joaquin is poking fun at how death can be so unexpected and how you cannot escape it because your name and everyone who know has their name in the raffle. He is making  fun of what an awful job God must have picking names out of the raffle everyday and perhaps how he and society fear the day their name will be chosen. 

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